Project management & coordination
Manage ETHCSTWIN’s scope, objectives, schedule, quality, effort and budget
● ensure proper technical coordination
● perform the required administrative work (e.g. EU reporting) and consortium’s management
● ensure efficient steering of activities, conflict management and establishment of a clear process for contractual, legal, ethical and gender equality issues related to the Action design
● establish an integrated open science strategy fully in line with project’s research outputs including data management
● provide continuous monitoring of progress and assure the quality of all project deliverables and outcomes.
T1.1 Administrative and Financial Management (M1-M36 IESP/NKUA Leader and FRAUNHOFER, PANGEA BOTANICA, UNISG, UNI-PR)
T1.2 Data Management and OpenScience (M1-M36 IESP/NKUA Leader andFRAUNHOFER,PANGEA BOTANICA, UNISG, UNI-PR)
WP 02
Research and Innovation - Scientific and technological landscape for evolutionary transformation of ETH
The aim of this WP is to identify the current landscape in the field leading to the evaluation and inventory development around ETH towards a systematic recording and digital transformation exploitation on ETH. WP2 will map the best digital practices, including the digital tools and methods to be adopted.
T2.1 International CS research applied on ETH, best practices assessment and innovation benchmarking (M1-M12, IESP/NKUA Leader and FRAUNHOFER, PANGEA BOTANICA, UNISG, UNI-PR)
T2.2 Identification, evaluation and inventory development around ETH (M1-M12, UNI-PR Leader and IESP/NKUA, FRAUNHOFER, PANGEA BOTANICA, UNISG)
T2.3 Classification, Machine Learning and Data Mining on ETH research (M1-M15, FRAUNHOFER Leader and IESP/NKUA, PANGEA BOTANICA, UNISG, UNI-PR)
T2.4 ETHCSTWIN Database and toolset development (M2-M30, PANGEA BOTANICA Leader and NKUA, FRAUNHOFER, UNISG, UNI-PR)
Capacity building, transfer of knowledge and ecosystem development
The overall objectives of this WP are to establish an upskilling programme for the members of the consortium based on their experience, improve knowledge exchange as well as administrative and managerial skills towards the participating Widening Countries, to provide the necessary materials to WP4 for incorporation in the Ecosystem Excellence Aggregator, and to implement the ETH case studies for the validation on knowledge.
T3.1 Curriculum design and knowledge creation (M8-M19, UNISG Leader, and FRAUNHOFER, PANGEA BOTANICA, IESP/NKUA)
T3.2 Knowledge exchange and capacity building (M8-M19, FRAUNHOFER Leader, and IESP/NKUA, PANGEA BOTANICA, UNISG, UNI-PR)
T3.3 Strengthening research management and administration skills (M19-M30 FRAUNHOFER Leader, and IESP/ NKUA, UNISG)
T3.4 Improved creativity, excellence capacity and resources (M12-M35), IESP/NKUA Leader and FRAUNHOFER, PANGEA BOTANICA, UNISG, UNI-PR)
Strengthened research management capacities and excellence in ETH
The overall objective of this WP is to bring together and integrate existing ETH research data infrastructures so that researchers can use the various distributed datasets and new and powerful technologies as an integral component of their research methodology. Moreover, under this WP a database will be created as well as a data ingestion mechanism. The overall capabilities of the Ecosystem Excellence Aggregator will be validated through three ETH case studies in WP4.
T4.1 Ethnopharmacology case studies, a way to validate ETHCSTWIN’s database and toolset (M12-M32, UNI-PR Leader and IESP/NKUA, PANGEA BOTANICA, UNISG, FRAUNHOFER)
T4.2 Ecosystem Excellence Aggregator (M6-M34, IESP/NKUA Leader and FRAUNHOFER, PANGEA BOTANICA, UNISG, UNI-PR)
Communication, Dissemination, Exploitation and Ecosystem Engagement
WP5 will be dedicated to raising awareness and visibility of ETHCSTWIN through a proper dissemination and communication strategy. Moreover, this WP aims at the establishment of a multi-directional communication path between the stakeholders and other relevant initiatives across sectors and regions. Finally, this WP will evaluate and explore sustainable development paths while it will also attract other HEIs and non-academic institutions to achieve a critical mass needed for nurturing the ETHCSTWIN ecosystem.
T5.1 ETHCSTWIN Communication and Dissemination (M1-M36, IESP/NKUA Leader andFRAUNHOFER,PANGEA BOTANICA, UNISG, UNI-PR)
T5.2 Sustainability, Exploitation and Value creation through networking and synergies and collaborative links between HEIs, Business and Research Centres (M1-M36, IESP/NKUA Leader and FRAUNHOFER, PANGEA BOTANICA,